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From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Tue, 25-Jun-2024 11:09:55 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: It's the Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday post!!! posted by Bunky
In reply to: Back from a pre-surgery vet appointment... posted by Justathot
I was told to give her Gabapetin and Trazodone in the evening and again at 0500 (I have to do military time because that's about the only reason I would see that hour) so she'd be easier to handle this morning. We wrestled and danced for a while, but I got her to take her medication...or so I thought.

As I was sweeping up the living room because it's garbage day, I found the Trazodone on the floor next to the couch. So, she must have been faking being stoned out of her mind when she was smiling at me this morning when we got ready to go.

We don't have the final cost estimate, but I'm fairly sure it's going to be over $2K. Good thing I'm well stocked because payday isn't until Monday. <SIGH>

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