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Ah...didn't realize pet insurance can exclude pets for pre-existing

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Tue, 25-Jun-2024 7:33:22 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: It's the Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday post!!! posted by Bunky
In reply to: No, I don't; but she has SOOOO many excluded things... posted by Justathot

What a mess!!!!!!!!!!!! I found out this afternoon, when I was trying to cash in some bonds to pay for [Bella's] surgery, that NO banks in my city would cash them if you didn't have an account with them. So, if you thought, "Just open an account and close it later," not so fast. You have to have had an account for at least six months. In some, you had to have had an account for two years. Savings bonds are real money, backed by the government!!!!

That's awful! IA...the bonds should work the same as cash. Ridiculous that banks won't cash them without an account that you've had at least 6 months.

ANYWAY, I called the vet and they said that they didn’t have payment plans because the owners sign an agreement to pay when the services are rendered. They told me that I could apply for a credit card that they accept, CareCredit. I did, was pre-qualified, and got to pick up Bella. The card has a 32.99% interest rate, but 0% interest if the balance is paid within one year. SO, I plan to pay it off next month or within a few months. Especially easy if my initial contractor pays me back the whole $10K that he owes me or even in $5K increments. The bill was $2,501.11.

I had nearly the same issue when I took Leo to the emergency vet. That first bill was for almost $900...they both did some things I didn't ask them to do and didn't think Leo needed and didn't do some things I wished they had. At one point, they told me giving him a single bag of fluids intravenously wouldn't do any good, so I said fine, don't do it...they gave him a bag of fluids anyways, despite being convinced it wouldn't help and of course charged me something like $150 for it. I've heard similar stories from others who've used this emergency vet (the only one that was open on a Sunday morning): they just want your money and don't care if they help your pet.

So, Bella’s back home. She’s already had some water. I’ve dismantled some things so she can go outside. [I had to prop open the screen door because the CoS] won’t fit through the openings the dogs usually use. I had to take out the panel with the dog door that's usually in the patio door and I’ll have to open and close the patio door for the dogs. At least she can get through the X-LARGE dog door that leads to my daughter's room. It took a few tries, but she got in and out.

Glad she's doing home and feeling relatively well!

I asked about the surgery and the lumps. They didn’t really take a look at the lumps. They just sent them to the lab for examination. We’re all hoping that they’re benign. I turned down one of the meds she needs to take because she has it at home. Well, not exactly. I looked at her meds when we got home and found out that the one she was taking before the hip surgery that we have in abundance is a different dosage, 100mg taken 1/2 at a time twice a day versus the 75mg they want her to take once a day post surgery. So, she was on more meds before the hip surgery than post surgery and would have stayed on the meds for the rest of her natural life. She’s supposed to start these meds tomorrow afternoon/evening with dinner, but I called the vet again to make sure we understood the plan. They suggested half of the 100mg tablet, like she was taking twice a day before her surgery. No pain meds after the recovery from surgery, so it was worth it.

Definitely worth it!

Bella tried to LEAP out of the Prius while still attached with a tether and almost killed/maimed herself. Scared me half to death. We’re going to get through this. Cross your fingers for us.


I may have a drink. Root beer float coming my way soon.

I saw below no "real" ice cream. Boo...root beer floats are awesome.

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