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Back from a pre-surgery vet appointment...

From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Mon, 24-Jun-2024 12:33:56 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: It's the Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday post!!! posted by Bunky
Bella, aka Moneypit, is scheduled to have surgery tomorrow to have about four lumps removed. Three are in an area where growths of various sizes and depths have been removed. The other one is a lump under the left side of her jaw. Could be as high as $2,500.

She's about 13 years old. She's had hip surgery (bilateral femoral head ostectomy (FHO)) followed by three months of physical therapy and had to have an emergency vet visit. The surgery was about $4K. The rehab, not counting the gas and other expenses to get to the therapy place over an hour and a half from where we live, cost about $2K. The emergency vet visit was about $2k plus another $200 or more for the meds, and she's been on meds (much less since the FHO) almost since we've had her. She could live for another six years or longer.

She had blood work done today pre-surgery ($188), but, because she's been drugged for so long, she had extra meds at home! She already had Trazodone and Gabapetin at home. Just enough Gabapetin to take before the surgery, but LOTS of Trazodone. (Funny thing, my daughter also takes Trazodone, but the pharmacy wasn't sure that they could get it filled that day. My daughter had been given a royal run around trying to get a new script, so I told the pharmacist that she could just take the dog's Trazodone because it was the same dosage. I got the medication filled really fast!) I've got to set an alarm to give Bella the Gabapetin/Trazodone at 5:00am since she has to be dropped off around 0700.

So it begins. I plan to drag my daughter to the drop off tomorrow, in case we get bad news when they do the initial assessment of the masses.

Wish us luck.

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