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Maybe. But it felt less like a nudge and more like salt in a wound

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Sat, 22-Jun-2024 8:18:30 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: šŸ„µšŸŒž Thursday/Friday/Weekend Gabfest šŸ§šŸ¦ posted by Antwon
In reply to: Maybe your fortune cookie was a nudge from the universe (or whatever you posted by Kitchop
I've not really talked about it here because...I've not really felt like it but for the past couple weeks, I've ramped up the job search and it's not going well. Shortly after I quit my previous workplace last year, I sort of divided up jobs into three categories: jobs I think I would like to do, jobs I think I would be reasonably content to do and jobs I *know* I would hate. Most of the jobs in the latter category seem to be always available (one example: all the Dollar Trees around me are always hiring). I've not entirely given up on finding something I'd actually enjoy but I've resigned myself to the notion that it could take a LOT of time, and a little luck, to find such a job. Recently I've been looking at things I'd be reasonably OK with and either a) they're part time when I want something full time, b) they seem like "entry" jobs but are still asking for 1-3 years' experience in the field or c) they're there one day and in the 24 hours I think about them, they're gone.

I've been saying for a while that I'm thinking about my priorities in a job; I'm nearly positive I won't find something that matches all my criteria. But I've been forced to think even more about it lately and really, I can't make up my mind what I would grudgingly accept and what I absolutely do not want to do.

And yes, I know I can take a job, do it a few weeks and quit. But I really hate the process and I really hate change so I really want to find a place I can stay at least a couple years.

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