SoapZone Community Message Board


Thanks, hun...

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Sat, 22-Jun-2024 3:50:23 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 🥵🌞 Thursday/Friday/Weekend Gabfest 🍧🍦 posted by Antwon
In reply to: I’m sorry, Vicky. I know that you are in a very difficult situation. I wish posted by Kitchop
Did you ever explore the job possibilities at the YMCAs in your area? The Ys in my area are almost always hiring. The pay isn’t great but it can be a nice atmosphere to work in and would likely be a good launch pad to other non-manufacturing jobs.

Not the Y but I applied for a couple jobs that wanted "recreation assistance", one at a senior center and one at a nursing home. Didn't hear back from either.

I’m guessing that, since you’re in your fifties, you want to get out of manufacturing/production work and into something less physically demanding?

Not necessarily. If I could get in at a factory that only had a single day shift, Monday-Friday, had even the occasional opportunity to sit down and was fine with working at a fast, but not frantic pace, I'd be really happy with that. I prefer "routine" in my work days (boring is good, as the one commercial says these days) and don't want a lot of drama. Which is part of why I don't really want to work restaurant or retail; you might have 9 perfectly lovely, easygoing customers and then the 10th is a nightmare.

I understand that you hate change but you might need to take one job to make it easier to find another better job. Employers prefer to hire people who have jobs and you wouldn’t have to explain why you currently aren’t working. Maybe a part-time job wouldn’t be a bad situation to job hunt from.

I'm giving strong consideration to a part-time job. It would suck not having benefits (and I likely wouldn't be able to stay on Medicaid if I have *some* income) but it would help ease me back into working. Also, of all the requirements I have for a "perfect" job (which yes, I know that doesn't exist for the vast majority of us), a high salary isn't one.

If you don’t feel like talking about it, I understand. I’m just trying to help and I don’t want it to get to a point where you’re desperate enough to consider jobs in your “I would hate it” catagory.


I know you're trying to help, and I thank you for that. You're awesome, Kitchop!

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