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šŸ˜ The kindness was strong all around today...

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Fri, 21-Jun-2024 8:12:01 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: šŸ„µšŸŒž Thursday/Friday/Weekend Gabfest šŸ§šŸ¦ posted by Antwon
In reply to: *like* posted by Bunky
Bff texted me just a few minutes ago to thank me again for the calendar. She told me she liked the cover picture best and it would be "perfect" for her box-thing in the kitchen. She also told me the calendar (which was in a thin box, so I didn't flip through it) was printed on pretty heavy paper; she was thinking she might frame a few of the other roosters and put them up in her house, possibly in her living room.

Another cool thing that happened today...the buffet was right next to a Pet Smart. Bff is adopting another dog--she'll be picking him up Monday--and needed a training collar for him. While we were in Pet Smart, we wandered over to the cages with all the cats and kittens. There was an older woman thinking about adopting a the bottom of the cage were four young (too young, IMO--only 7 weeks old) kittens from the same litter. The white kitty and the orange kitty were napping together while their tortoise shell sister was exhibiting typical "tortie" behavior, alternating between pouncing and staring off into space. The fourth kitty was a beautiful "dilute tortie" (mostly white with a few "faded" calico patches); as soon as she saw the woman, she walked straight over and immediately started meowing and standing on her back legs and pawing at the glass. After some discussion, the PS employee walked the woman to the back side of the cages; the kitten immediately followed. When the woman came back out, bff commented on how it was like the dilute tortie had chosen the woman as her own, and the woman beamed and said that was the one she was adopting šŸ˜„ It was the universe's cat distribution system at work, and it was glorious. Though it would've been even better if she took one of the other kitties to as a companion to the one who chose her...

All of this really made me day. And I needed my day made...I'm getting a wee bit frustrated/depressed by the job search, and it's getting down to crunch time. I'd been telling bff, who's also unemployed and getting to the point where she feels she NEEDS to get another job, that I've been doing way too much sitting around (the heat doesn't help--not like I want to go outside when it's above 90Ā°) and it's not good for me. Even with all the food available for consumption at the buffet, a couple fortune cookies were delivered to our table. Gracious "hostess" that I am, I let bff pick first; her fortune was something about opportunities appearing when you least expect it. Very encouraging, yes? Mine was "the chains of <something> are forged in the iron fire of idle hands". I forget exactly what the word was...the chains of depression? Misfortune? Ruin? It was something both super negative and also eerily close to how I've been feeling lately (especially the "idle hands" part), and I quickly tossed the fortune onto a dirty plate while bff fake spit on it to "remove the evil" or something. Like...what the heck? This is, I believe, the first negative fortune I've ever received in a cookie, though admittedly, I eat Chinese food maybe 3 times a year, so I've not had a ton of fortune cookies. But where's the positive thoughts, or at the very least a joke or maybe a "help, I'm trapped in a fortune cookie factory"?

(don't worry...I don't believe in fortune cookie fortunes...unless they're something awesome that I *really* want to come true)

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