I think because of my job, I'm just always like "how did this HAPPEN?" Like when Tropicana changed their branding and their marketshare collapsed because people were apparently looking for the orange-with-the-straw and not Tropicana -- so when there was no orange-with-the-straw they just grabbed OJ at random.
And. Recent example from where I live: Our transit org just put out these INSANE ads about how we are all being too whiny about construction delays. It was so weird to watch these -- I remember sitting there the only time I saw them and thinking "who thought this was a good idea? You have been building the Eglinton line for a literal decade. WTF do you mean 'stop whining?'" -- the ads were pulled. And someone put out these parody ads in response -- but the orignal ads were so insane that the parody barely registered.
Edit: Here are the original ads:
This is the parody: