if you stop doing one or more thing you hate, you're now a "quitter" forever and will have no life or ambition from here on out. It's moronic. I took piano lessons for like 2 months as a kid and I hated it. My parents let me quit with zero argument because they got that it just wasn't my thing. I later found the drama club which I LOVED. Kids will try many things to figure out what they like and what they're good at. This guy, ugh.
My good friend also has a jerk husband like this and she won't leave him despite constantly telling me how much she hates him. And she COULD leave. She's an RN, she had a good job, they have no kids together and she could go stay with her parents or her brother or any other family member (or me, a friend) until she found a place. I kind of what to tell her either leave him or stop telling me how bad he is and making me worry about you.