wearing a “I Read Banned Books” t-shirt, items I acquired that were “inspired” by my recent frequent-trips-to-Florida phase. As you may know, I’m a pretty politically active person. That said, even the most politically involved sometimes need a break from it.
As for Normal People, maybe it just was not your thing. But also, in my experience, good books, movies and TV shows can sometimes not get my fair attention if I’m reading/watching them when I’m extremely distracted by real life. For example, I barely remember any books I read or movies I saw in 2013, the year I was diagnosed with cancer. Sometimes a friend will insist that they are sure I saw a specific movie because they watched it with me and I’m absolutely sure I never saw it. Then it’s “ahhh, it came out in 2013; that explains it.” Same with books. Or, LOL, maybe you just didn’t like Normal People.