of the words and phrases etc. I use come from things my kids, nieces, nephews, etc. said when they were little.
Instead of explode I often say Kasplode like one of nieces used to say. I call aluminum... lilinoonium like one of nephews. Toothpaste is Poop taste. Parmesan cheese is Palmer John cheese. I really never ends. Oh and lily pads are liddy piddys and caterpillars are Patty Wheelers. Pepsi is Pesbee.
Instead of saying blind as a bat... it is blind as a Tom cat. And if anyone ever criticizes anything about me I tell them "well... you don't have a good sewing machine"... which is long story and only those in the family get the joke.
I practically have my own language made up from funny or cute things assorted kids have said over the years.