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An update!

From: Kris Find all posts by Kris Send private message to Kris
Date: Mon, 05-Aug-2024 9:01:04 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ☁️Thursday*~*Friday*~*Weekend Chat Post ☀️🌷 posted by Leia
In reply to: So...I guess I'm not going to London? posted by Kris
So I talked to him again last night; it actually started from a conversation where I said that I just wanted one thing to make me happy, which made him go "You're not happy?" and I told him that I absolutely hate where we live (which he knows), we have way too much stuff and we started the year with the plan to move over the summer. We've done a little decluttering but not nearly enough. We put off buying a house at the moment due to a few things, one being there's things we need to fix here, and another waiting to see how things pan out in November. Anyway I told him I needed something to look forward to, something to plan, because our house depresses me.

And he told me that his main objections were that he thought it would be a waste of money and that he just has this awful terrible feeling that if we go to Europe we're going to die. I don't know if his 'bad feeling' is that the plane is going to crash or what, but we talked more and I also brought up to him how ****ty it is to have a birthday at a major holiday, and how I have literally NEVER traveled for my birthday. I've visited family of course, and we've gone down to the beach a few times but never just gone somewhere on a vacation. 50 freaking birthdays and not ONE. He tried to say he understood but the holiday his birthday is near is Labor Day. Come on. I think the closest I ever came was my first trip to London, which ended about a week before my 29th birthday. And I traveled to NC right after it for Thanksgiving.

We talked some more and he agreed to go, but with the caveat that if we die he gets to tell me "I told you so" for eternity.

Now for me to just pull the trigger on buying it....

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