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stop waiting for someone else to plan or give you permission.

From: chloe Find all posts by chloe Send private message to chloe
Date: Mon, 05-Aug-2024 6:57:57 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ☁️Thursday*~*Friday*~*Weekend Chat Post ☀️🌷 posted by Leia
In reply to: So...I guess I'm not going to London? posted by Kris
If you want to go to London and he does not, plant he trip for you and Jack and LEAVE. HIM. HOME.

I have been waiting for someone ELSE to plan my celebration of being cancer free, my 40th, 45th & 50th birthdays, and guess what? I'm still waiting.

My husband is not a planner. Travel makes him anxious. Spending money makes him pissy, lol. For me to expect him to plan something like I want, is not a reasonable expectation for me have.

I spent a lot of time being angry at that. It didn't - and hasn't - changed a damn thing. It's not a deal-breaker in our relationship, although I can see a lot of people already with the, "...but if it's important to YOU it should be important to HIM!" and I get that, but again...what I am expecting goes against every fiber of his being, and scratches at his anxiety like poison ivy.

There is a middle ground, and that middle ground is that I have to take the lead on planning, but if I do that, HE has to come to the table with the appropriate level of participation and enthusiasm. If he doesn't bring that to the table, then I need to go without him.

sometimes, once that happens and he's all alone at home re-heating the same thing for dinner that he's eaten for 3 days while I'm having the time of my life, he will realizes he should have gone with me. And the next time, he does. and the time after that he does as well. the third time he actually planned the trip.

Now we're in a MUCH better place when it comes to travel. But getting there took YEARS, and it took me understanding that I can go without him and have a fine time. I'm not going to miss out on stuff because he is complacent, but I'm also not going to force him to do things that cause him intense stress and anxiety. sometimes you have to bend, and sometimes you just have to branch off. The branches of your rivers will still come back together.

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