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Thank you! The parking was an issue again today...I left extra early

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Fri, 02-Aug-2024 5:46:32 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ☁️Thursday*~*Friday*~*Weekend Chat Post ☀️🌷 posted by Leia
In reply to: ugh on the parking posted by chloe
and arrived with 15 minutes to spare. There was a spot behind the store but I wasn't sure if it was "our" spot or the toy store next door's spot so I went over to the free parking lot and lucked into a space. I worked with SM and B today; B asked me about the parking and I told her I got a spot in the free lot behind the buildings across the street. SM told me no, that wouldn't do. I thought she was worried about the distance, and I assured her I didn't mind the walk--it was good exercise--but she told me that when she and I close, like we did tonight, she wanted me to be in her line of sight the entire time out to our cars "just in case". The town is quite safe and with the bars and restaurants downtown, there's almost always somebody on the sidewalks but OK. I had to go out and move my car after B left.

maybe the bank just doesn't know you are a new employee of Chico's, which is why you might have gotten the note?

I think part of it was there was a big sidewalk sale last weekend, which drew larger crowds than normal. I might not have gotten a note had it not been a "special" weekend.

Maybe after a few weeks, you can consider changing shifts with your co-workers to have a more 'set' schedule.

That would be nice.

Learning curves can be hard, especially when you are being trained by people who do tasks different ways!! But you are a fast learner, and I'm sure you'll pick it all up quickly.

Thank you! SM told me today I'm doing a fantastic job and am picking up things quickly. She's especially impressed with my interactions with our customers. That was nice to hear. I actually felt bad for her this afternoon...we went maybe an hour with nobody coming in (because it's a small store, they do more online business than walk in business) and then two women came in at the same time. One was literally yelling about needing to return something that she'd bought more than 60 days ago; she thought that the 60 day return policy applied to when she GOT her merch, not when she ordered and paid for it. SM told her she couldn't take it and the customer got testy and demanded SM either do someone or talk to someone higher up who could do something. To the customer's credit, she apologized for yelling (she said she didn't "realize" she was doing it, which...yeah), and SM called customer service and wasn't able to get the yeller a refund but she did get her store credit. And then the yeller bought two pairs of earrings. At the same time, a woman who'd called to ask if we could hold a shirt walked in and needed to return two items she got online AND exchange two other online purchases for the same item in a different size. I've still not learned yet how to do returns or exchanges, so I just stood there smiling while my poor SM had to deal with both customers. At least the shoppers were patient and understanding about the situation.

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