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That's true. TBH, while I never hear about crime in this particular town

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Sun, 04-Aug-2024 9:24:50 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ☁️Thursday*~*Friday*~*Weekend Chat Post ☀️🌷 posted by Leia
In reply to: Re parking when you are closing, it sounds like your SM considers your safety posted by Kitchop
I don't exactly check the right sources for that kind of info, so it could be more than I think it is.

How is the day’s cash handled? Is it put in a safe inside the store? Left in the cash register? Does somebody make a bank run to make a cash deposit?

So in my first week, we've had exactly one person pay in cash. Another was going to but was told she needed exact change (when I looked in the drawer later, I saw this was unnecessary but whatever). There's two registers with X amount in each every day; with so few cash sales, SM waits for them to build up somewhat before sealing the extra cash in an envelope and having the bank come and get it. Now I'm wondering if they bank with the bank literally two doors down?

Overall, it sounds like you’re getting good feedback from your SM and coworkers, including appreciation.

I am, and I appreciate that <g>.

It can be a little frustrating to work with people who seemingly love a job that you don’t love.

Yeah, when B gushes about how much "we" love people and love selling clothes (and love clothing in general), I'm thinking "we? Who's this 'we' of which you speak?".

But that positive atmosphere beats working with a crew of people who are seething with negativity. It sounds like the people you’re working with will go a long t way toward making this temporary job tolerable to you.

Exactly. Though I can see D's complaining and L1's micromanaging, despite not being my manager, getting old fast.

As you get to know them, try to find out how the others feel about their varied schedules. If you all would rather have set same shift schedules, maybe you will be able to make that happen, as long as you all know how to open and close the store. Do you think the varied schedule is solely rooted in a flexibility that is convenient for the SM? Or is it partially rooted in an attempt at fairness so that nobody has to open and close the store all of the time?

I think the latter. I've watched SM sit in front of the computer and move people around and it didn't look like it was something benefitting her. I'm working all five weekdays this week, and the following week I'm a bit annoyed to have been scheduled Mon.-Thurs., off Friday, and then working Sat.-Sun. as I really prefer having two days off in a row rather than one here and one there. But I was told I'll be covering for various women who wanted shifts off for whatever reason or another. For example, I was asked to work the one Sunday because the woman who was going to work it got tickets for a concert the previous Saturday night and didn't want to be out late the night before and then try to come in.

From what I understand, I'm the only one working there (besides SM) who needs to be working. Actually, SM hasn't said a word yet about her personal life so I don't know her situation; what I *do* know is everyone else is married to men making good money and/or retired from a high-paying job. They're working for the discount on the clothes and just to get out of the house a little and have a little extra spending money. Even working part-time, some have complained recently that they wanted even less hours, hence I was hired. And there's a sign at the register saying they're still hiring.

If you have to work in retail for a while (not your first choice, I know), I think it’s great that you are working in a store that appreciates its customers and employees who are mostly women over 40. You may just be getting to an age where you realize how rare that can be.

I'm enjoying that part for sure. Though I have to say...we've had a few customers already that were either, ah, a bit demanding or a bit difficult (two different women Friday tried to return items past the 60 day period to return things; one made a pretty big stink about it). And as soon as they left or got off the phone, SM or D complained about them. We had one woman try on items for over an hour, running sweet, kind B back and forth, bringing her different things...after she left, SM practically had a fit that the woman "only" bought two (full price) pair of pants. I didn't care for SM's attitude...she's the one who has drilled into me the importance of "taking care of the customer", and apparently this woman comes in frequently and usually buys a lot of stuff. Not nice to whine about how long she was in the dressing room and how little she bought this time, especially since for most of that hour, she was the only shopper in the store.

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