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I like that you have an all class reunion! Mom attended a small

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Thu, 18-Jul-2024 8:11:11 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: 👀💐Thursday/Friday/Weekend Talk-a-ton 🗣👂🏽 posted by Antwon
rural high school--her graduating class was only 18 kids--and the school was eventually turned into an elementary school (and demolished altogether roughly 60 years later--long story), with the high schoolers that originally occupied the building moving over to a brand new high school (the one I actually graduated from). Because her graduating class was so small, in later years they would meet at one another's houses or go out to a restaurant together. For a few years, there was an all class reunion held at a local party center. I was always a bit envious of that; when I was in high school, I had a few friends in my grade but slightly more in the two grades after mine. Our graduating classes were probably too big to realistically host an all class reunion, or maybe nobody wants to do the work to make one happen. Either way, while I have no interest in a Class of '86 reunion, I would love to attend a reunion featuring my class and those above and below mine. Or maybe an all class reunion for those who were in marching band, as that's where most of my friendships developed. You learn who your true friends are when you're trying not to throw up after punishment laps around the field or rehearsing "run on" (literally running onto the field before the game, running in place once you got to your spot and then stopping and immediately starting to play the run on song).

Weird that you mention class reunions this morning...last night I dreamt that I went to a reunion and one of my friends from high school kissed me out of the blue. Then suddenly I was marrying her sister (who I was also friends with) and two of the guests at our wedding were two guys who'd been good friends in high school and now were married (only in my dream) to each other.

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