Most years, we'll see a VERY occasional skunk (we smell them more than we see them), but this summer is apparently the summer of the skunk. A few nights ago, I was out shooting the bow and arrow in our side yard (Dad, bless him, made me a makeshift target) and not one but TWO skunks went ambling along the back of the property, one after another. Skunks are solitary by nature; it's rare to see them together unless it's for mating purposes.
And then there's Fabio.
Yes, I named one of the skunks in the neighborhood Fabio. He's a big boi (grrl?), and he's absolutely stunning. Not a word I usually use when talking about a skunk but he's mostly white, with black only on his feet and face, and the white is actually long, like the fur of a Maine coon cat (hence his name). I've never seen long fur on a skunk. I've been joking that Fabio should be either singing in a rock band or shilling for a shampoo and conditioner maker.
Usually Fabio is hanging out in the back yards of the neighbors several houses down, though I've spotted him in the front yard of our neighbors across the street. A couple nights ago, I was putting the garage door down and saw him by the end of our driveway. And tonight, I stepped out to water my tomato plant, turned around and there he was, maybe 30 feet away, just staring at me. Then he hustled off to the next door neighbors' flowerbed (he's speedy, even for a skunk...he's the first one I've ever seen actually RUN). Fortunately, he seems to be a pretty mellow skunk who doesn't scare easily...can't say the same for some of the other skunks on our block.