SoapZone Community Message Board


How do you feel about the ways employers are monitoring remote workers?

From: Kitchop Find all posts by Kitchop View Kitchop's profile Send private message to Kitchop
Date: Sat, 13-Apr-2024 11:08:39 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: 🌞 Thursday*-*Friday*~*Weekend Chat Post ☁️ posted by Leia
According to this linked article, most employers who have employees WFH use some kind of monitoring software that monitors keystrokes, web browsing, etc. This survey found 97% of employers with remote workers now using this kind of employee monitoring software vs only 10% using it before the pandemic. Also. 37% of employers require WFH employees to be on a live feed all day.

If you are WFH, either full-time or hybrid, are you okay with this kind of productivity surveillance? Are you okay with the keystroke/web browsing software but not okay with visual and/or audio surveillance while WFH? When WFH, do you use a computer dedicated for work and only work and do any personal stuff on a separate device? Or do you feel like your job performance should be judged solely on your getting your work done well and on time?


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