Liz's reading is only meh. Her voice worked really well for the hearings, but I also understand why her high plains accent is most appropriate for the reading. The book is chilling, bracing, so I have to usually put it down for a few days.
DoW - making my way slowly. It is very well-written, although I don't think he always does a good job of strongly linking race to policy choices. Has good historical context, though.
Making my way slowly because it's depressing.
I did just finish listening to Eat to Beat Disease and Eat to Beat Your Diet. both are fantastic and Li provides tons of evidence to encourage you to include certain foods while avoiding others. What I like is that it's a very flexible framework. Look, I can't take broccoli every day or even most greens. They're boring. But there are other foods you can switch around from day to day so you're not bored, and you're still getting the protective nutrients you need. SO READ THESE BOOKS!