SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


I hope your theory holds. My theory is that Trudeau is indeed the problem.

From: AmberRedux Find all posts by AmberRedux Send private message to AmberRedux
Date: Wed, 05-Mar-2025 3:16:34 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: March Political Post posted by Antwon
In reply to: Trump & Trudeau talked and I have a theory. posted by Dreamylyfe
Not the actual problem of course, but the problem in Trump’s mind. I honestly believe that Trump’s aggression towards Canada is based in large part on his jealousy of Trudeau. He hates that Trudeau enjoyed widespread popularity, both at home and abroad. He hates that Trudeau is good-looking and people comment on it frequently. He hates that Trudeau has been scrupulously polite but stopped short of ass-kissing. I’m pretty sure he knows exactly what Trudeau thinks of him, and he simply can’t stand it.

Trump is a petty, vindictive little man, so your theory that he will try to blame Trudeau for this insanity tracks perfectly.

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