and they will know about it too if too few people participate. That said, I agree that we have to start somewhere with some kind of action. We can’t just do nothing.
Trump/Musk are ignoring the rule of law, trashing the Constitution and democracy, trying to dismantle our system of checks and balances to consolidate all power into their hands. He is filling his cabinet with unqualified yes men who will never question him. The only vetting question is 100% loyalty to Trump. Apparently, most members of Congress are afraid of him. He has convinced half this country that any news that doesn’t glorify Trump is fake news. The truth means nothing anymore. Things are moving fast and if things go too far, it will be very hard for this country to come back from it.
The official system of checks and balances in our government is executive, legislative and judicial. But the other two very important part of our checks and balances is (1) a free press and (2) we the people (informed, involved, active citizens). It might come down to being up to what we the people do.
Side note: I’m very familiar with Al Sharpton, both the good and the bad, over many decades. I definitely give him credit for stepping up here and trying to get us to do something. I guess we’ll know soon how this particular action goes.
Thank you for posting about it here.