SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


Exactly. There is no accountability from the oligarch-owned "Press"/

From: Cassie Find all posts by Cassie View Cassie's profile Send private message to Cassie
Date: Tue, 21-Jan-2025 11:21:23 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: Ending 2024, Politically... posted by Justathot
In reply to: Yes - but then I always thought that eventually Bush and Cheney would be... posted by MontanaKC
hence, no penalty for lying or idiocy.

And even when they do do alleged fact checks, they then turn around and do a but but the Dems article. So it all washes out.

I am not feeling confident that this history will be told by anyone other than tRump buttlickers.

Certainly, liberal billionaires could have stepped in and provided a counterpoint through new media, but nope.

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