SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


Yes - but then I always thought that eventually Bush and Cheney would be...

From: MontanaKC Find all posts by MontanaKC View MontanaKC's profile Send private message to MontanaKC
Date: Tue, 21-Jan-2025 9:12:00 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: Ending 2024, Politically... posted by Justathot
In reply to: Do you wonder about how this era is going to be told in history class? posted by Dreamylyfe
investigated for war crimes, and that didn't happen. They gaslit Colin Powell into testifying that there were weapons of mass destruction, when it was proven to not be true.

As for the clown show we've got now, the mainstream media 'sane-washed' all of the craziness leading up to the election. I have no reason to think they'll get a conscience now.


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