Obviously, something is going on, likely not nefarious, but I also think there is mass hysteria arising, bolstered by trolls flying their licensed and unlicensed drones to mess with people, the vague and inadequate response from the feds, and people seeming to have no clue what's in the night sky.
For example, most of these sightings are FAA compliant, with the red, white and green lights.
And people seem to have no dang clue what Orion, Sirius and Venus look like. LOL. (Former MD Governor Hogan didn't freaking know what Orion looked LIKE!?!?!?!?). There was some guy going on about a bright light in the sky that, when he would come back, had moved further west and then down. Yeah. That's Venus. Rn it's transiting across the SW-W sky at night, kinda lowish in the sky, and as it sets, it begins to dip.
I did see some video on News Nation with a spinning light, but that could be an unlicensed drone operator messing with people. But I cannot explain that one.
I saw another picture of a "spinning" orb that was freaking Sirius. Sirius is close by (8.6 LY away), very bright, and because it's a binary star system, it's twinkly and can look like it's spinning. It's among my favorite stars and I stare at it a lot when it's up at night (like, now LOL). You can locate it when Orion is all the way up, it's the very very bright star down and to the left. Brightest in our night sky. It could also be Vega or Altair, also close, very bright and spinny-ish looking. I think one of them is also a binary star system.
And why aren't they out during the day? Hmmm...