SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


It's amazing to me that he has the amount of supporters he has despite

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Tue, 05-Nov-2024 9:15:27 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: October/November posted by SoftSoap
In reply to: Heh. Cheap eggs. And BACON! posted by AmberRedux
the hatred he spews. Paraphrasing here "I would be okay if an assassin fired at me because the fake media is in the path. I'd be okay with that." WTF?! So many celebs I follow on IG and I have seen them posting stuff supporting Trump and/or denouncing Kamala. Sometimes I engage. Other times I unfollow. Other times I just ignore.

Whether or not you believe or even KNOW you were better off when he was in office--he is unhinged now. Why do they refuse to see that? It's like Liz Chenney said. Those of you who are voting for Trump should answer this question. Would you trust him to babysit your children? If the answer is no, then how can you vote for this man?

This is so passive aggressive and I may or may not do it, but if KH loses, I might post on my FB page, if you voted for tRUMP. Please unfriend me.
But then I am contradicting my stance on democracy. We all get a vote and we get to back the candidate of our choosing. My thing is, I do prefer the company I keep to align--at least somewhat with my values. That being said, I do like hearing different viewpoints. Mine is just that...mine!

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