SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


I understand and share your frustration. Like I said the morning after the

From: LuvMyKidlets Find all posts by LuvMyKidlets Send private message to LuvMyKidlets
Date: Wed, 10-Jul-2024 11:57:24 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: July Politics Post ~ 🎆🇺🇸☀ posted by Andrea
In reply to: I think that's letting Biden and his team too much off the hook. posted by Marriage4All
debate, his decision to run for a second term is reminiscent of RBG's recklessness.

Biden is not blameless. He's not the blameless victim of the big bad media. He did not just have a bad night - that performance was an absolute catastrophe, I wouldn't have allowed him to pick up my niece that night, let alone run a country. And putting it that early was HIS team's idea! Also, trying to claim he was "jet-lagged" was embarrassing given that he'd gotten back in like 10-12 days before the debate. If you cannot recover to even basic coherence after 10 days being in another country, you are not fit to be President.

That's fair, and I agree with you. All great points.

And a lot of Dems didn't wait for the media's response - they had an immediate and visceral reaction on their own to Biden's performance. Which was his fault. It's HIS fault he did so badly. Not the media, not the team. It's on him. And it's not an isolated problem. It's been fairly obvious his health has been going downhill for months now. It just became very clear how bad it was during the debate.

I can only offer my own anecdotal experience. I tuned out the media for the past 13 days, and have been barraged today with article after op-ed after pundit screaming that Biden needs to step down. How will independents perceive this other than possibly conflating “I fear Biden is in decline” with “so I will vote for Trump?”

Everything I've read or watched today is designed to scare the **** out of Dems., make a strong candidate look weak, and move corporate money away from Biden all while not offering an electable solution.

If Biden loses, it's not as simple as the media was too mean to him. He has ****ed up, and he should not have run again. I have no confidence he will be capable of running this country by the beginning of 2029, and I doubt anyone who is taking an honest look at his health believes that. And that's what he is running for! To be President until the beginning of 2029. He should have stuck to his agreement to only serve one term. We don't need him that badly. He's not that singularly special.

I never wanted Biden. He wasn't my first, second, or even third choice. But he surprised me and has become the most effective POTUS in my lifetime. That aside, he should have remained a one-term president.

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