SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board


Probably before Gaza....

From: Marriage4All Find all posts by Marriage4All View Marriage4All's profile Send private message to Marriage4All
Date: Wed, 10-Jul-2024 1:33:52 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community: Politics Message Board
In topic: July Politics Post ~ πŸŽ†πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έβ˜€ posted by Andrea
In reply to: I understand and share your frustration. Like I said the morning after the posted by LuvMyKidlets
...I was not THRILLED that he was running again, I did think he was too old, but I was a lot more okay with it. I didn't see the severe decline in his health that I've seen in the last several months, and I hadn't seen him just seemingly have NO concept of how damaging and alienating his approach to the Israeli/Gaza conflict has been to younger voters. Because two things are true - young voters don't vote at nearly the rates they should, AND, Biden would not have won 2020 without the ones who did vote for him. He cannot win 2024 if he's so completely alienated younger voters and Muslim voters. Like, I was seriously worried about Michigan BEFORE this cluster. Then this happened, and I do feel...lied to in a sense. Or misled, at least. And I'm not sure it's Biden himself. It may be his team. I think he's being convinced of things that aren't true. But I think they were working a LOT to hide the extent of his problems.

I'm sure some people in Congress are skittish about the press. But not Warner, and not Pelosi. They've been around too long, and they know better. If they've taken this step - which is pretty dramatic and dangerous - they're doing it for a good reason.

None of this is to say the press isn't being unfair. They are. But that's nothing new. It's frustrating that no one acknowledges Trump has lost most of his cognitive skills too. It's frustrating they're not paying more attention to Project 2025. But for me, that's apart from what I'm seeing, which is a man who is not mentally or physically capable of completing the term he's running to complete. It's sad, honestly. We've all seen this in our real lives. I'm still kinda traumatized from remembering having to help take my grandma's keys away, which was over 20 years ago.

The thing is, I do think some members of Congress who are genuinely concerned for his health are trying to be kind by talking about polls. They don't want to embarrass him. But if he's truly being this stubborn and if they truly believe he's not capable of running, they need to divorce "we don't think he can win" from "We don't think he can run". Say "I have seen X health and cognitive problems and I do not believe he is capable of doing this job." I get not wanting to do that, it's really hard. But some people might listen to that when they're not listening to the "I don't think he can win" narrative. I want to hear that, tbh. Tell me if this is you wanting to keep your job - which is fine, just tell me - or if you genuinely, from your personal experiences with Biden, believe he is no longer cognitively capable of doing this job. A couple of them have said that, but not many.

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