was allowed to return, why wouldn't Ingo be able to?
Because unlike Ingo, Steve Burton didn't show his entire @ss on his way out. Steve didn't want to get vaccinated so he left quietly, professionally and landed a job on DOOL where there was no mandate. Steve behaved like he had common sense and of the choice to get vaccinated or leave the network via termination--Steve chose the latter. Ingo started litigation fairly quickly which burned his bridge(s) back to GH if not daytime as a whole.
He says it's discrimination due to his political beliefs (which I have no idea what those are).
He's a Trumper.
From Ingo's IG Hey Trump haters. You’ve already shown us what happens when things don’t go your way. Sorry, but no BS’ing your way out of this one. We all remember the “peaceful riots”. Personally I think you’re a bunch of weak individuals who don’t stand for values that actually matter. You believe pronouns are more important than the border. You’re constantly worried about who might be offended. You allow your daughters to compete against biological males and turn away like cowards, perhaps secretly hoping people like me will say something. You’re welcome but I don’t need a thank you. You have a distorted belief that certain minorities deserve special rights, not equal rights, at the same time you shout “save our democracy” …and before you get all defensive and write a stupid, irrational comment that you’ll regret later, STOP and just imagine for a second this happened to Obama……..Stop and imagine the landscape in the USA right now. 🔥 let’s not forget someone died at this rally. I say Obama because no one really likes Biden and Obama was a popular president. My wife voted for him twice.
Take a seat lefties.
But seriously, if he really was let go because of the vaccine mandate, and now there isn't one, why wouldn't he get to come back, too?
Same reason as above. Why would ABC welcome him back with open arms, when he has sued them several times and also changed his story multiple times. Steve played it smart and Ingo did not. That is a huge chunk of the reason he was asked to return. Lastly, as much as I cannot stand the character--Jason Morgan is way more essential to the canvas than Jasper Jax ever was.
I'm guessing he'll file again.