General Hospital Message Board


Going to play devil's advocate here. I'm wondering why, after Steve Burton

From: MontanaKC Find all posts by MontanaKC View MontanaKC's profile Send private message to MontanaKC
Date: Fri, 07-Mar-2025 7:19:47 AM PST
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In topic: *****Week of March 3rd Spoiler HP***** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
In reply to: Judge Denies Ingo Rademacher’s Motion To Take ABC to Court! posted by Antwon
was allowed to return, why wouldn't Ingo be able to?

He says it's discrimination due to his political beliefs (which I have no idea what those are).

But seriously, if he really was let go because of the vaccine mandate, and now there isn't one, why wouldn't he get to come back, too?

I'm guessing he'll file again.


[Edited by MontanaKC on Fri, 07-Mar-2025 7:20:14 AM PST]
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