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Thoughts on today's show: You reap what you sow Elizabeth!

From: Antwon Find all posts by Antwon View Antwon's profile Send private message to Antwon
Date: Thu, 20-Jun-2024 3:22:13 PM PDT
Where: General Hospital Message Board
In reply to: ****Week of June 17th Spoiler HP**** posted by RehvengeIsSweet
I knew she would get him in hot water. I'm glad he quit. I would have too. I get that it's a soap but just like Elizabeth, they are coming at him too strongly. Should he be drinking? Nope. But he's grieving. Has anyone even suggested a grief counselor? Nope. They keep TELLING him what he needs to do. Of course it's causing a kneejerk reaction because he's not ready to hear it. You get way more flies with honey than you do with manure. Finn is a doctor and he's responsible for patients. That is important as he could cost someone their life, but how they presented it to him was rather stern. They put him on the defensive. He offered to take a blood alcohol test. They should have asked him questions:

1. Are you drinking?
2. Are you drinking daily?
3. Have you had a drink today?

Ask him if he is willing to enroll in rehab? Assure him they will protect his privacy and say he is on bereavement leave. But honestly, they don't even have to tell the staff anymore than he is on leave. Now if he REFUSED then you comeback with their hands would be forced to go to another path which consists of... It also might have been a good idea if only one of them gave Finn these options vs both. I know they are co-chiefs of staff but he could have felt attacked. I'm surprised they didn't have HR at that meeting.

I thought what he said to Elizabeth was deserved. She absolutely violated his trust. She did what she felt she had to do and actions have consequences. His reaction makes sense because he's pissed off. It's his daughter and he does have absolute say in who can be around her. Now he's acting out of spite but that's exactly what he THINKS she did and her little snarky attitude all but confirmed it for him. This is punishing Violet as she will ask about Aunt Elizabeth and her cousins. Finn will calm down eventually and I know he won't be able to deny Violet's desire to see them for very long and PC is small so they are going to run into each other. I am firmly behind Finn's scenes today. He's allowed to have a reaction and to be pissed. We all know where this is going. He needs to hit rock bottom before he'll go to rehab. The same as we've seen with other addiction stories on GH. Michael Easton has been KILLING it since Gregory died. He definitely deserves an Emmy next year.

Angry Sam is kinda interesting. I wish we could keep her. She was on the money with what she told Spinelli today. Just as Carly hurled at Sam that she doesn't get to change her mind now and how yadda yadda yadda. Well Carly, this is who Jason is. He goes to bat for people. Lordt. She's going to be so tortured tomorrow. The martyrdom is going to reach Willow levels tomorrow LOL.

Speaking of Carly. Would someone explain to me the logic behind her conversation with Jason today?! She was on one! Am I wrong or have Drew and Jason NEVER been close? Civil maybe. But they have never behaved like brothers. So WTF is she talking about that it has something to do with her? Get over yourself Carly. And if Drew wants to run for Congress, that's his damn business. He can't control what the media is going to do. Yes. They will probably ask about his brother--the career criminal. Big whoop. She even brought up Monica having to see the AJ/Jason accident splashed on the frontpage of newspapers. Um, why? AJ is dead. Why would Monica care about an accident 29 years ago? She has long since come to accept that Jason Q is gone and Jason Morgan is her son. Monica has healed from that trauma. Since when does Carly give a damn about Monica? They don't like each other and never have.

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