and told her to go home? She was there for him the night Gregory died, confronted him about his drinking and was told to leave that time, too. I'm sorry, but coddling rarely ever works with an addict. She's been with someone before who had an addiction. She knows you have to be firm with them. Finn isn't trying to deal here. He isn't going to rehab. He isn't going to meetings. He isn't calling his sponsor and asking for help. No, he's going to bars and picking up strange women. When she has tried to talk to him, he's told her to get out or doubled down or blamed her or tried to make her feel guilty. She ain't his wife. She ain't the mother of his children. She ain't got to take any of that crap from him. Her begging, pleading, bargaining, badgering, demanding or anything else won't make a difference until he decides to get help.
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