Hate him all you want but he won this round. Let's see what she does next. I suspect tell Laura. But even if she did call the cops. She has even less proof than you are criticizing Spencer for. Can she prove that Spencer gave Ace to Nikolas? She cannot. He can simply say my father was here. He wanted to meet his son. We talked. I went to warm up a bottle and when I returned, they were gone. Plausible. No one else was there, so there is no one to dispute it. This woman hurt him deeply. She used him. He delivered her comeuppance today in the most painful way. He allowed his father to take his son--thus saving him from his deranged mother.
Nikolas has millions and contacts. We all know that Ace will be back, but for now--Nikolas and Ace are in the wind and he knows how to disappear.