New Member Registration

Step 1: Fill out this form to register your account

Read all of the following instructions before completing the form at the end of this page.

  • Your user name is a nickname or handle that identifies you as a member. Your user name automatically appears on messages you post to the message boards, on scenes you write in HyperFiction stories, and on messages you send in the chat rooms.

  • When you choose a user name, pick something unique, keeping in mind that most common names are already registered. Choose your user name carefully, because once you register, you will not be able to change it without cancelling your account and re-registering.

    Your user name may be up to 20 characters long, and may contain the letters A to Z (upper and lower case), the numbers 0 to 9, the dash (-), and the underscore (_) characters. You cannot use spaces, punctuation marks, or other special symbols. The first character must be a letter or number, not a dash or underscore.

  • Your password can be up to 10 characters long. Do NOT choose a password that you already use on your Internet account, online service, or another web site. Do NOT choose a password that would be easy to guess, such as your first name, your birthdate, or the name of a soap opera character.

  • Your email address is required. After you submit this form, a message containing a verification number will be sent to your email address. If you do not supply a valid email address, you won't receive your verification number, and without the verification number, you won't be able to activate your account and log in. If you do not have an email address, you cannot get an account on

  • If you want to register a second user name with the same email address (for a family member who shares your email address, for example), email your request to

The Rules

It may seem silly to have a bunch of rules for a soap opera web site, but some unruly people have made these rules necessary, believe it or not! By voluntarily registering an account on, you are acknowledging that you have read and agree to the following rules:

  1. You may register only one user name, regardless of how many email addresses you may have. Any person who registers more than one user name for the purpose of pretending to be different people will have all their accounts terminated without notice.
  2. Do NOT give out your password to anyone else or your account may be immediately terminated without notice.
  3. In addition to the rules stated above, you are responsible for the proper use of your account as described on the "Guidelines" pages found within the various interactive areas, including the message boards, chat rooms, HyperFiction stories, and Voting Booth polls. Registration at is a privilege, not a right, and your account may be terminated if any of the posted guidelines are routinely violated.
User name:


Confirm password:

Email address:

The following fields are all required. The information you provide will not be displayed to other members unless you choose to have it displayed.
First name:

Last name:


State or province:


(leave blank if USA)