Guardians' players to go to the MLB All Star game. Voting was nice and simple and it took no time at all.
These past couple weeks, I've been voting for Cleveland Cavs' players to go to the NBA All Star game. Voting on the NBA website is...kind of a mess. You can't just fill out your ballot all at once (or at least I've not figured out how to do so); you have to vote first for the front court players and then the back court players. There's no system for how the players' names appear on the ballot; it's not alphabetical by player name or team so you have to read the entire list of players, or at least read till you find your picks. Most days, you get one vote a day but on Fridays, you're supposed to be able to vote three times. I've yet to be able to do that--I always get a "you already voted today" message. It's really annoying. The NBA website people should really talk to the MLB website people before next year's voting, to make the process easier.