books laying around for guests to read during their stay. Not the cheeriest subject but I read As I Lay Dying by William Faulkner while staying at a "cabin" in Blue Ridge, Georgia during a family reunion (it was billed as a cabin but it had a half dozen bedrooms, a game room and a hot tub among other amenities). And I no longer remember the name of the hotel we stayed at in Montreal when I visited with bff and our French horn playing friend (it might have been a Doubletree?), but I recall it had a lovely library in the lobby and I read The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck during our stay. Oh, and while waiting for Sis to a) wake up and b) come down from her room, I read a book about quinceañeras from a bookshelf in the lobby of...dang, forgot the name of that hotel in NYC too :-(
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