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It's a horrible movie (and not in a good way), but Josh Hartnett was mesmerizing

From: senorbrightside Find all posts by senorbrightside View senorbrightside's profile Send private message to senorbrightside
Date: Sun, 05-Jan-2025 9:59:01 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 🎥🎬January Movie Post🍿🥤 posted by Antwon
In reply to: At first I wondered how we’re supposed to pronounce Josh Hartnet. LOL! posted by Kitchop
as it--he pulled off the character well. Like Jon Lindstrom as Ryan Chamberlain good. I was hating the movie, yet watched the whole thing for the performance.

I saw it described as a two-hour long music video for M Night Shymalan's untalented daughter,'s a pretty accurate description.

Of note: Hayley Mills has a very small role, and it was so great to see her.

And some horrible movies are fun to watch (Mommie Dearest, Showgirls, etc). This isn't one of those, lol.

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