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I remember giving a friend of mine an earful after she went out shopping in a

From: Kris Find all posts by Kris Send private message to Kris
Date: Sat, 04-Jan-2025 4:24:07 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 🎊 Week of December 30th Post 🥂 posted by Leia
In reply to: People who “must” shop during a blizzard for things they don’t need should posted by Kitchop
blizzard (and I apologize if I told this story recently, I remember typing it out but not where I typed it out, lol).


December 2009, my area was hit with a blizzard. 18 inches of snow, and around here that's definitely a lot. One of my friends posted on Facebook or Livejournal about how terrible the drivers were and the traffic and how the roads were bad (I don't remember everything verbatim, I wish I could because I remember it really ticked me off) but that it was fine for her to be out in it because they were from upstate NY and knew how to drive in it. I know for a fact they were out on their weekly grocery/library/Mexican food lunch run, meaning it was all things that absolutely could have waited. As someone that *has* to work in weather like this, people going out for no good reason is annoying as hell. I told her how inconsiderate she was being and there was no good reason for her to be driving around in that mess.

Two months later we got "snowmageddon" aka two blizzards and five feet of snow in one week, and she made a point of posting about how they stayed in the whole time instead of venturing out.

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