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I have a very mild rant, and since one of my NY "resolutions"

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Tue, 31-Dec-2024 6:13:42 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: 🎊 Week of December 30th Post 🥂 posted by Leia
(less resolution, more half-hearted attempt to do better) is to whine less and focus more on things I should be grateful for, I'm going to get this off of my chest now <g>.

Our local library system is great. Really. Dad and I have both told our local librarians how grateful we are to have such a wonderful library and not have to pay to read all the books we read (not counting our tax dollars of course). One of the wonderful things our library system does is have free and frequent programs. Most require registration and have a maximum number of people who can attend. Many of the programs involve making some craft, and even these usually don't cost a dime. VERY occasionally there will be a small fee for supplies but usually even those are provided gratis. And many of the crafts sound really fun.


The craft programs are harder to get into than most Ivy League schools, and like those schools, I believe you usually have to know someone on the inside. I've tried to register for programs within just a couple hours of registration opening up, and not only are they full, there's already a waiting list. I accidentally forgot to check when registration opened for the programs offered in the first quarter of 2025 but sure enough, when I checked tonight, the four programs I wanted to attend were all full and there was a waiting list. Out of curiosity, I checked how long the waiting lists were...the shortest was 11 people (for a 12 person class), and that was the craft I was least interested in making (a coaster featuring a famous literary quote). The longest wait list was for a class using beach glass to make some kind of bird picture; that one had the names of 42 hopeful souls. The craft I most wanted to make--a polymer clay pendant--has "only" 23 people on the wait list.

My aunt firmly believes people who work at the library use their positions to make sure their friends get into the programs of their choice first. I don't know, but I might have to make friends with a local librarian in 2025...or try to become one 😁

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