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I can never remember everything I watch from month to month. spoiler

From: The_Cat_Did_It Find all posts by The_Cat_Did_It View The_Cat_Did_It's profile Send private message to The_Cat_Did_It
Date: Sun, 29-Dec-2024 3:38:39 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: 🎥🎬January Movie Post🍿🥤 posted by Antwon
I keep thinking I should make a note of it to remind myself but then I forget that, too.

What I can remember:

"Hush" (AMC+). A Mike Flanagan horror movie, starring his amazing wife Kate Siegel. By all accounts, a very good movie but not necessarily the type of horror that I like.

"Oddity" (AMC+). Another horror film. Probably not as good as "hush" but it was my preference of the two. I loved it, plan to rewatch it soon. Also has one of the best openings to me, I'll spoil below.

"Hot Frosty" (Netflix). I tried but I just couldn't get in to it. It's stupid (to me). Probably would've been better as a horror movie. 🤣🤣



So the opening of "Oddity". Woman alone in her house in the middle of nowhere, she lives in Ireland. She and hubby have just bought this old place, looks like maybe it was an abbey once upon a time. They're redoing it themselves so it's in a transition phase. He's at work (he's a doctor and works the night shift at the local asylum for the criminally insane, of course). She calls him at work, telling him she has found the one spot in the house where she can get a cellphone signal. Of course there is no landline. They talk, she goes out to her car for something, comes back inside. As she's locking up for the night, she opens like this slat on the door that pulls back to look outside and suddenly a very sketchy looking man appears. He is like "I need to warn you, there is someone in your house" and she's like "WTF?" and he's like "I saw him. When you went out to your car, you left the front door open and a man slipped inside your house. He's in there with you now".

It's such a good opening. That's all I will spoil. It's so creepy because what do you do? You cant go outside, super sketchy man is there. But what if someone really did come in your house when your back was turned? Only place to get a cell phone signal is near the upstairs window so you got to go upstairs in the dark where maybe an intruder is? What to do?

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