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At least SOMEONE showed up today....

From: Justathot Find all posts by Justathot Send private message to Justathot
Date: Mon, 23-Dec-2024 2:09:26 PM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: 🔔—Week of December 23rd Post —-🎄🎁 posted by Leia
The contractor said he'd have a guy over today to work on the electrical stuff (no more disco nights) and to work on the door issues (one won't close and one is hard to it averages out). Nobody came for that.

Instead, I called the HVAC company to see when they'd be able to finish the work on the mini split. Tomorrow. Then they left a message asking me to call to coordinate their tech coming today. He came, he finished, I signed! He also checked out one of the units that had started showing an error code. He said it could have been a dirty filter, but they looked fine. He checked the lines and ran something through the system and used a forced air spray to clean anything else that might cause that kind of problem. Should end the problem. It only flashed once around 4:30am, or at least that's the only time I caught it doing it. It may have been the one night when we got a fairly low temperature. We've had a very mild winter so far, so the system may not have been stressed that much this year.

(Did I mention that I got my electricity bill recently and it was $15.00. The electricity company had applied the "capital credits" to the accounts. They did it last year and they were enough for me to have no bill that month and a credit of $28 the following one. Still, an $18 credit is better than having to pay an additional $18.)

The gates are closed. The dogs are loose, but both dogs were asleep in the house until a few minutes ago. I chased one outside because she was covered with pieces of dry grass. <SIGH>

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