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Happy Whatever You Celebrate, SZ! I need recs for appetizers...

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Mon, 23-Dec-2024 9:37:17 AM PST
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: ๐Ÿ””โ€”Week of December 23rd Post โ€”-๐ŸŽ„๐ŸŽ posted by Leia
Yesterday, Dad and I went to my one cousin's house thinking it was going to be an informal gathering only to find a potluck spread and a set table when we got there. I didn't realize a meal would be involved--I'd specifically stated DON'T feed us, as we've had plenty during the holidays--but my cousin doesn't roll like that <g>. I felt a bit bad that I'd not brought something edible but knowing my cousin never shows up empty-handed, I did at least have a small holiday plant for her.

Anyways, on Christmas Day, I'm going to bff's sister's house for their second annual Christmas party. I didn't find out until last night what time it would be and what they'd like me to bring; I was asked to bring a "non-Italian" appetizer. Bff's sis is providing lasagna and a 7 layer salad (I think the one with peas and mayo and cheese and whatever), and someone else is bringing desserts. I'm undecided what to bring...I would like to bring something that's easy to make and is transportable, and if it's not terribly unhealthy, that'd be great! Bff is diabetic and can't have too many carbs and sugar, so I'd like to bring something she can eat guilt-free. Any ideas?

Off to work now but I'll check in later tonight.

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