Day of the Living Trash Pandas or something <g>.
I don't understand why someone would deliberately feed raccoons. They are excellent scavengers...and total pests, as this woman found out. We have never deliberately fed raccoons but back in the day when we fed the neighbor's cat Juice, I had to tell Dad to bring in any uneaten food by the time it got dark because raccoons (or maybe just one particularly well fed raccoon) would come onto the porch and finish off Juice's dinner.
These days, I very occasionally put a small amount of finely diced unsalted peanuts on the porch for the chipmunk that sometimes sits on our stoop and sings us the song of his people. But he knows not to rely on that because it's VERY occasionally...and as the bag I'd bought for a recipe and wound up never using is about to run out, the gravy train is about to be derailed.