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Subject: get it 😁...

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Tue, 15-Oct-2024 4:29:09 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ~*~*~WEEK OF OCTOBER 14TH POTPOURRI~*~*~ posted by chloe
In reply to: Our similar "adventures" scare me sometimes... posted by Sparky
I have never sold items at a craft fair. I probably should lol... it would clean out some of the vast collection of finished crafts I have in my craft room that I just made to see if I could. Maybe someday....

I recommend trying it at least once, at a smaller craft fair where you wouldn't have as much competition. Though you also might not get the crowds. I'm curious to see if the indoor craft show in December, being both in a smaller space and being so close to Christmas, will be better attended and thus, hopefully, increase sales. Honestly I'm just grateful people like what I make!

Someday I will share the story of "the great crazy glue incident of 2012". It resulted in me being banned from using Crazy Glue for well over a decade. However, I too recently discovered E6000 in the craft aisle at Walmart and have used it a few times recently without issue. Hey, its not Crazy Glue its E6000 so it does not fall under the ban!

😂 I can't wait to hear that story! I still remember a time many years ago when my mom got a bit of Crazy Glue on her finger and, for some odd reason, decided to stick her finger in her mouth and, I don't know...(I was going to type something but played it in my head and realized it sounded extremely dirty). Her finger got stuck to her lower lip. I was too young at the time to remember how it got unstuck but I *definitely* remember the finger glued to Mom's lip.

EKKK here is hoping you didn't catch the ickiness!

So far, so good. I know LD worked both weekend days so I asked SM today if LD was feeling better Sunday. She said she was. My senior year of college, one of my roomies was a voice major. I told LD about roomie's tried and true method of staving off colds: as soon as she felt one coming on, she would crank up the thermostat, wrap herself in a blanket and chug (figurative) gallons of water. Her method of "sweating it out and drowning it out" works pretty well. LD tried it Saturday night and apparently it helped (though SM, being SM, of course tried to take credit, claiming it was her suggestion to have chicken soup for dinner Saturday night that cured LD).

I found out last night while at the last gathering with Sis that they'd been exposed to COVID the previous Friday. They'd attended a small concert on the back patio of a local place; they knew the woman singing and even though Sis thought the singer sounded a little hoarse, she gave her a hug after the show. And then the next day, boom, the singer had a COVID diagnosis. Now I'm hoping we all avoid that nastiness.

Yikes! I currently have craft supplies all over both the table in my nook and the table in my dining room. My son and husband have given me some looks but neither has dared say anything.

Dad very politely suggested I get a craft room. But unless he wants to add on to the house, there's no way that's happening. I've actually considered getting one of those small sheds for the backyard and turning it into a mini craft studio but a) they're not cheap and b) I'd freeze in the winter (and parts of spring and fall). The place that had the craft show last weekend rents out space to artists who need somewhere to create...but rent starts at $150/month for a tiny, tiny room. Can't afford that either, so Dad's just going to have to suffer <g>.

Aww that is sweet. The only big closet in my house (my house is big but not much closet space which I find odd) is downstairs and since my husband had mobility issues and does not go upstairs... is his. All of my clothes are in the upstairs closet. It is a pain... but it makes me get cardio going up and down the stairs to get clothes!

That's a nice way of thinking about that!

Yes, I didn't know that the closed door thing was a Virgo thing. But my Virgo self is always closing doors and drawers that others leave open.

Hah--yep! And turning off lights in rooms that aren't occupied...but that may be more Dad training me well not to "waste electricity".

OMG! How did you manage not to buy at least one puppy! LOL... I would have probably got them all! I cannot resist craft fair food! I tend to love pumpkin anything!

It was SO HARD! I really loved the pup with the bright blue eyes but I also adored the little pudge that was wriggling away in my arms. I didn't think Dad would go for a dog though. I would like to get another cat at some point--I'd like to give a home to another senior cat--but 8 months later, I'm still mourning my beloved Leo HARD.

I want to visit "The Christmas Story House"!!!

It's a common phenomena: people who live near major attractions either never visit them or go maybe once. I love The Christmas Story and would love to go through the house...and yet I've never done so. Better yet, I would love to spend the night in the Christmas Story House. Fun fact: you can also spend the night in The Bumpus House next door 😃

Had breakfast today with Sis, BIL and Sis's friend and her hubby, who are sharing the Airbnb with them. Later tonight, we're going to a place in the same town I work in; we're going to hear some jazz music but I STILL don't know if this is supposed to be a dinner thing, a drink thing or just a music thing *sigh*.

Which is something that drive the Virgo in you up the wall... I know... lol totally did. I wound up Googling the venue; I discovered on Jazz Mondays, the menu was limited to a few apps and a few desserts. So I made a big ol' pot of chili for Dad and me, ate, went to the restaurant and listened to some excellent jazz while sipping a hot apple cider and eating a blueberry crepe. Best of all, my niece and nephew picked up my tab! Nephew used to work at the place as a host/bartender, and he got Niece a job there while he was still there. She's still bartending and hosting...Nephew showed up last night just long enough to pop in, say hi, hug Sis and BIL goodbye while wishing them safe travels and sneak over to the bar to arrange to pick up my tab plus a round of drinks Sis and BIL enjoyed. Niece contributed too. It was very sweet of them to do so, but then again, they're kind like that 😊

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