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Sis' visit...well, this might be a new record (there's a tl; dr at the end)

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Fri, 11-Oct-2024 4:43:34 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: 🍂 Week of October 7th Potpourri 🍂☀️ posted by Leia
Every time I post about a visit from Sis or a vacation with Sis, I mention two things...

1. Sis is easily one of my top 5 favorite people in the entire world, which makes me even more blessed to have her as a sister

2. Planning is not one of her many, many strengths and fine points <g>.

If there's one thing that's absolutely guaranteed every time Sis and I are together, it's this: meals will be planned, meals will be changed, and/or meals will be missed. For someone who loves to eat as much as she does, she's pretty terrible at making sure good meals...or regular meals...happen.

Sis and BIL arrived last night at their Airbnb a few towns over. There are two places they almost always get takeout from whenever they're up: Grum's (a sub shop in Coventry) and Guido's (our town's beloved pizza place). I was half expecting Sis to get a pizza last night, and I was right. BUT...I and several other family members got texts saying Sis and BIL would love to see us once they got settled in at the Airbnb, and they'd provide the drinks. I worked last night till 7:15 but I texted back cool, I'll be there around 8:00 (because the town where I work is further south and the town Sis and BIL are staying in is further north). I get back a "yay!" and I thought that was that. Due to customer flow, I didn't get a break last night until 6:00, which is fine. We're not supposed to have our phones on us, so I checked mine on break...I'd missed a number of texts from Sis. One says she's ordering pizza from Guido's around 7:00 and picking it up on the way to their Airbnb, and did anyone want any? So I texted back YES, I would be arriving hangry* and pizza would be perfection.

* Because on days I work the second shift at the store, I eat lunch earlier than I'd like to (noon instead of 1:00 PM or so), and then I don't eat dinner till I get home around 7:30, and usually later, and I only have a small snack, if anything, on my work break, so I usually drive home with my belly grumbling.

Anyways...Sis texts back. Oops, sorry, they'd already ordered the pizza, and it would be just enough for her and BIL. O....kay. Not unexpected--this ain't my first rodeo with Sis--but still, I was looking forward to Guido's pizza, enough to mention it to my co-worker "B" (the one with big Grandma energy and also on my short list for the top 5 best people I know). Instead, I drove through Burger King* on the way to the Airbnb and wind up having to wait almost 15 minutes just to get a chicken wrap and some cheesy tots.

* a few years ago, many of the BKs in our area unexpectedly permanently closed, so it's almost a rare treat to get BK these days.

I had a nice, but quite shortened, visit with Sis and BIL--they were tired from the drive in and I had to work the first shift this morning--so I only stayed about 90 minutes. I was a tiny bit annoyed that the only beverages they had were wine and tap water, since they'd invited me for a drink and KNOW I don't drink alcohol but whatever. Then today at work, I'm working with the store manager. It's her birthday today but she's only of those people that not only doesn't want a fuss, she gets kind of mad if you fuss over her on her birthday (does. Not. Compute <g>), and I don't know if that was why she was extra snippy today or if there was another reason. About 30 minutes before B is due for her midday shift, she calls to say she's running 5 minutes late because she "took a new route, through <my home town>". And then she actually SAID "wink, wink". I thought that was kind of weird; I know she usually drives through my town on her way to and from work. But eh, whatever. I dutifully reported the call to SM who took it remarkably well considering what a foul mood she was in this morning. And then 5 minutes after her shift was supposed to start, B rolls in...with a large pizza from Guido's. She told me she'd already planned on doing something for SM, and since they used to like to occasionally do "Pizza Fridays", she figured pizza would be acceptable. And because she'd heard about Sis getting Guido's without me, she figured she'd stop in and get the pizza there. D'awww! Best part off all? I liked the toppings B got (pepperoni and sausage) better than the toppings Sis got on her Guido's pizza (hot peppers and onions).

tl; dr - Sis pulled her usual of promising me a meal--in this case pizza from our beloved hometown joint--and not delivering but my super nice co-worker picked up pizza from beloved hometown joint for lunch for all of us today, AND it was better than the one Sis had ordered for herself and BIL.

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