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Covid exhaustion update.

From: Capricorn Find all posts by Capricorn View Capricorn's profile Send private message to Capricorn
Date: Wed, 09-Oct-2024 2:36:05 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In reply to: 🍂 Week of October 7th Potpourri 🍂☀️ posted by Leia
I basically missed 2 weeks of work.

Went to work this past Monday - hubby drove me since he works from home on Monday & Tuesday. Somehow, I managed to work all day. But even with a mostly sitting job, it's tough. Had to put my head down on desk a few times just to rest and close my eyes for a few minutes.

I got home, put on my pajamas and did nothing but sit on the couch. Hubby brought me dinner and then did the dishes even though it was my night to do them. He had a meeting, so he left @ 7pm. I was in bed between 8 - 8:30 and never heard him come back home. (I've been going to bed between 8 - 8:30 since this round hit me).

Tuesday I never heard my alarm go off (5:15 am) but work up about 30 minutes later just as hubby was coming to wake me up. Had coffee, breakfast etc. but still felt tired and "off". Oxygen was at 92. I used the can of oxygen he picked up and got it back to 97. After a shower though it was down into the 80's. Called work said I wasn't coming in (I was already late) and that we were going to the ER.

5 hours at the ER. Of course, they couldn't replicate what my oxygen level did at home, but since I had a picture of it on my phone - they had to kinda believe me. Bloodwork came back okay - iron, etc., everything was good. They did a CT scan to check for pneumonia and blood clots (they run in my family I found out late this summer). All clear.

All they could tell me was basically what my PCP did. That this strain is doing this to otherwise healthy adults - just saps their energy and it's taking weeks if not months to get back to normal. Rest as much as possible, build time into schedule so can sit for a bit if I feel the need.

Due to a dentist appointment this morning I worked 7 hours today. Informed boss of ER results and the Dr.'s advice.

I have my jammies on and will have hubby cook dinner when he gets home. I'm beat.

We are scheduled to print bills next Monday - there is no way I can basically be on my feet most of the day to print bills and get them into envelopes. Boss will be informed as to such tomorrow. A is going to have to do it.

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