To Kill a Mockingbird
Into the Wild (One of my all time faves)
A Painted House (one of my fave from Grisham, one of my fave writers)
The Shining (Need to re-read as I remember the movie more...)
Revolutionary Road
Gone with the Wind
The Jungle
Wonderful Wizard of Oz (I read all of the Oz books a couple years ago)
A Confederacy of Dunces
Virgin Suicides
Main Street
Sound and the Fury
Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Hotel New Hampshire (John Irving is my fave writer)
The Great Gatsby
A Walk to Remember
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
The Lovely Bones
My Sister's Keeper
The Secret History
Bridge to Terabitha (one of my mom's fave books. She taught it every year when she taught fourth grade)
Twilight (ok, this should not be on this list...I guess it's "most famous", so...maybe I'll let it slide, but Washington needs to do better :P)
Shiloh (another fave of my mom)
Little House in the Big Woods (another of my mom's faves)
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