Has anyone done an Ancestry DNA kit before? I do know I have a lot of English/Scottish in me, but for most of my life my mother told us her mother was part Native American (Cherokee). In the last few years, though, she says she doesn't know about that. Wut? So on the last Prime day, I got a kit for 60% off. I'll see what this mutt is made of. 😉
I had my first ever appoint!ent with a mental health professional to deal with my anxiety issues. We're still in the considering stage where we're figuring out the best path, but to start off, I really liked this guy. So that's a good sign. I debated posting this because y'all gone think I'm crazy lol, but in all seriousness, I know there is nothing to be self conscious about.
I finally made an eye appointment that I've been needing to do for a little while, so yay new glasses! My distance vision has gotten worse, but overall things are good. And no retinopathy! Phew
And lastly, ugh scorpions. Little bastard stung me twice the other night. 😤