spent most of her childhood summers down there visiting family, and she lived there for about 18 months with my siblings when she was a single mom. I visited Blue Ridge with my family a few times as a child. In 2012 (the year before Mom died), I went to an informal family reunion in Blue Ridge. Really it was just Sis' family, Bro's kids and a few of Mom's aunts, uncles and cousins who still live in the area...anyways, I of course took a ton of pictures. When I got home, I was showing Mom the photos of downtown Blue Ridge and she actually asked me "where is this?" The town had undergone a serious makeover since just the early 1980s, evolving from a sleepy little town that only the locals inhabited to a weekend destination for wealthy Atlanteans, especially those who love antiquing. Most of the buildings downtown are either antique shops, bougie boutiques, souvenir shops or overpriced restaurants now. The only thing Mom recognized from her youth was the Rexall Drug, which has remained nearly unchanged all these years. It saddened Mom to see all the town "improvements".
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