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I honestly don't know what it is. He doesn't either.

From: Kris Find all posts by Kris Send private message to Kris
Date: Sun, 04-Aug-2024 10:59:37 AM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ☁️Thursday*~*Friday*~*Weekend Chat Post ☀️🌷 posted by Leia
In reply to: What's the bad feeling? London specifically? Flying? posted by Jenners97
I'd need more information b/c in my world, birthdays are a BIG deal and my closest friends take off w/ me for girls trips. You're a lot nicer than me, b/c I wouldn't care if he wanted to go or not. My birthday and it's about ME.

He just says he has a bad feeling and doesn't think we should do it.

I'd dig a little more into this bad feeling and then (b/c you're nicer than me) make some accommodations that way. Like, okay, if he's worried about a terrorist attack in London, I'd be like cool, we'll spend some time in the English country and do two days in London, middle of the week or something. If he's scared of flying, I'd have him see his doctor and get a prescription for xanax or ativan per flight (my doctor did this for me after a very turbulent flight scared me for a bit).

He's fine with flying. Scared of heights but not when he's in a big metal tube. (he doesn't take the window seats though!)

Don't NOT celebrate your birthday the way you want to b/c he has a "feeling." This would be the second big birthday he messed up (and I hope he made the last one up to you). Drill down on this feeling and maybe...take the trip without him. If you don't want to do a mom and Jack trip (or he doesn't want you to and you want to humor him), ask a few of your girlies to go with you. Or you could even solo travel if that's of interest to you.

No we never really made it up. I got pregnant the next year.

I don't think any girlfriends would join, since it's Thanksgiving week and a big family time. We're going to go visit family at Christmas instead.

Also, what have his big birthdays looked like? I'm assuming you've planned what he wanted from top to bottom. I'd bring that up, too. A lot.

Honestly, he is annoyingly the least materialistic person on the planet and never wants a fuss made for any birthday. When I ask him what he wants, for birthdays or Christmas, his answer is "World Peace." I think in the past we've gone to Os games, I've gotten him things I know he'd like, and oh yeah on his 30th I accidentally gave him food poisoning with a runny egg and he never let me live that one down. I honestly don't remember what we did for his 40th, we were probably at the beach or something.

I think, most of all, I need something to look forward to. I doubt we're going to move before next summer. There's so much stuff to do at our house and all of it is tiring. I just really need something to look forward to and plan.

Maybe I'll take Jack to NYC instead.

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