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Thank you! And seriously, B is the BEST (heh...B for Best...)

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Fri, 02-Aug-2024 5:32:56 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: ☁️Thursday*~*Friday*~*Weekend Chat Post ☀️🌷 posted by Leia
In reply to: I’m sorry about the parking and schedule situation but happy to hear that you posted by Kitchop
I've worked with her twice now...both times, she complimented me on my outfit (I'm still not sure I'm *exactly* complying with the dress code but nobody's said anything to me yet), told me how awesome I was (which, of course I am <g>), thanked me profusely for all the help (it seems like a bit much but it wasn't long ago the store was running with just the SM, B and two other employees) and even gave me a big, warm hug before she left. She's barely 10 years older than me but she's totally giving off "best grandma" vibes.

Have you gotten an estimate of how much you’ll get in SS benefits?

I have not. Not even sure how to get that information or if it will still be accurate 10 years from now.

It will be tempting to take it at 62 instead of 66. But try not to do that unless absolutely necessary because, if you do, your benefits will be reduced (I think by 30%) for the rest of your life.

Oh yeah...I decided long ago that if at all possible, I don't want to take early SS.

You also still have whatever pension/retirement plan you got from the bindery and hopefully some inheritance (including the house?)You do have some light at the end of the tunnel. But it will take some time to get there. Whatever retirement plans you had planned on — they are not gone. Try to think of yourself as building on that, rather than starting over.

Yes. I still have two 401k plans--one through each previous job. I'm not contributing to either of them but the first one is growing slowly but surely and the second one takes a few more risks and has been growing slightly faster. And yes, as of now, I get the house. The house is a disaster but it will be paid for and it will hopefully still be OK to occupy; it's just not going to be featured in Architectural Digest or Better Homes and Gardens any time soon <g>.

ETA - also, I see the occasional story on my phone or YT video featuring millennials talking about just how little money they have and I thank God that even though my bank accounts aren't what I'd like them to be, they're not what millennials claim to have in the bank.

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