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Yep, I've had similar conversations with my dad. Mom was good about

From: Wahoo Find all posts by Wahoo View Wahoo's profile Send private message to Wahoo
Date: Wed, 31-Jul-2024 1:47:46 PM PDT
Where: SoapZone Community Message Board
In topic: 🎀Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday Talk-a-Ton πŸ‘‚πŸ½ posted by Antwon
In reply to: Ask SZ: What is the weirdest thing you've ever had to talk a parent out of? posted by Dreamylyfe
food safety but Dad? He thinks expiration dates and recommendations to refrigerate things are just "legal stuff that'll keep people from suing". It doesn't help that there's foods that HAVE to be tossed at certain points and foods that can go past their expiration date and not taste as good but won't sicken you. It also doesn't help that he grew up with parents who lived through the Depression, in a household where wasting food was practically a sin.

Other than that...well I've semi-successfully talked Dad out of getting a second car. Or rather, a third car for our two-person family; it all started a few years ago when I needed a minor repair on my Kia Soul that would unfortunately require the car be at the garage overnight. I wound up having to borrow Dad's car one evening for my second-shift job and suddenly he was all "oh, we need a third car for when one of ours is in the shop". Now mind you, he gets out of the house *maybe* 3-4 times a week at most, and that particular day, he could've gone somewhere first thing in the morning and been home in time to hand off his car before I left for work at 2:10. He could've also driven me to work and picked me up at the end of my shift. But no, instead he needs a third vehicle for the family. Technically, we have the the summer. We have a two car garage that is actually empty enough to put both cars in it (which we do in the winter) and a...I don't know what the term for it is but there's an added part to the right of the driveway on which one can park a car (Dad likes to do so in the summer), and cars in the garage can still get in and out easily. Luckily, Dad's almost as cheap as his dad was...I convinced him he didn't need to be paying insurance on a car that might get driven once every few years. He still revisits the idea from time to time though.

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